Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why y New Desk Reminds me of Laundry

What can I tell you. Moving from one country to another isn't always easy. We came here with 2 suitcases (each) and as you can imagine, we left a whole lot of things in storage.

On the bright side, there isn't much thinking to do when it comes to "what should I wear today". Especially during the past three very warm months with temperatures roughly 30 degrees warmer than what we were prepared for (what ever happened to the "cold Germany"?!), there wasn't really much of a choice after bringing only one skirt. Yea.
I am hoping that this piece of clothing will make it through the last warm days here, while I pray for cool weather ( - but not too cool, because I don't own a winter jacket at this point).

At least, I am happy to announce that the big jar of pb that Nick generously brought in his suitcase, is just about empty and my flight to restock on this delicacy is already scheduled for next week.

What I am missing the most these days is my office. My "reading couch", the pretty coral curtains that Mama made and shipped over, the peace and quiet when my door was closed, and - of course - my wonderful desk. You need to know that I had never owned a desk before that was big enough for all the things I needed it to hold. This one, however, is perfect. It is the absolute best piece of furniture ever! I will never ever want or need a different one ever again, because the desk and I are just a match made it heaven. This desk is so fantastic that I could go on about it, but I'm sure you got the point by now. I miss my desk. Dearly.

I have tried working on the couch or on the bed, but I just fall asleep and wake up 5hrs later with nothing accomplished and ready to call it a day and go to bed. 

Today, I was at the gym and (again) thought about other ways to study in our apartment. The dog crate doesn't work, because it is a big box and I would have no place to put my legs. Plus it's too low, and putting a suitcase on top would make the surface too soft and wobbly to work on it. 

After 90mins of biking and doing weights, I finally had the most genius idea. I might have to secure the rights for this one... 

Isn't it the most genius thin ever?! 
Unfortunately, I still have to find out where to put my legs when I sit, and I can't lean on it (because it would collapse under my strong arms) - but other than that, it works.

The best part about it: I can't even iron now, even in the unlikely event that wanted to! Because the board is in constant use for the important  project I am working on now... Which I am giving a talk on in exactly one week from now at this very hour - and I haven't written it yet. 

So back to work I go. 

Do you have an ironing board? yes. 
Do you use it for ironing clothes? no. 

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